Don't be afraid to love Ah! My Goddess wallpaper by Storm and Fire :: March 2007
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Hi everyone! This is ANNA and I present you my entry for the battle vs EVI @

::THE THEME:: A Season's love.

Judging as per the rules.

only male + female couples are allowed (no ecchi!)
no gray-scale and no B&W
have to be mixed in use of tools (that means you can't make a full PS brushes wall with with a scan, or just a full vectored piece nor a full painted one. Doesn't matter how much, you have to use different tools to make the wall.
at least 1280*1024 (widescreen allowed)
text is allowed as long as you don't write the season's name (you chose) into it.
only vectors made by you are allowed
stocks are not allowed, (ie, photos)
textures can be used (and brushes)
I chose my wall to feature Summer! My favourite season. Some of my partners said that it's not quite straightforward. I had my doubts too but I asked my lovely mother and she responsed: "Summer of course!" And as I said before, I trust my mother. >3<

I used almost every tool that exists in Photoshop CS2. 1. Pen tool (shape layers) for lineart 2. Eyedropper tool for blending 3. Brush tool for painting 4. Smudge tool for fine details and blending 5. Dodge tool for light effects 6. Blur tool for fine touches 7. Polugonal Lasso tool for scan extracting 8. Move tool for changes in elements' positions 9. Zoom tool because I can't live without it 10. Burn tool for other fine touches 11. Eraser tool because I can't live without it too

::THE CONCEPT:: You know you are in love when you see the world in her eyes, and her eyes everywhere in the world.

David Levesque -
::THE MAKING OF:: I started browsing galleries that contained art I liked while searching for couple scans. I then browsed Deus Machina Demonbane. I saw this scan and fell in love with it.

I just had to think of how to make a wall out of it. Then I went to deviantart for inspiration. I saw this tiny image that basically inspired me.

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