What Exactly is Pink?
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann wallpaper by Dalarty :: November 2008

author's comment
This wall is dedicated to the most important person in my life... who has always been so supportive for me in everything I do... whether it may be art or hanging out watching cathartic Korean dramas... Matt, you're always there for me... I love you so much and I really appreciate it!!!!!!!
You'll appreciate this more if you full view it... there's a lot of layers (>_<)9
Now then... here's a nice detailed splurge about my latest piece~!
Title: The name of this piece is an offshoot of the episode title from Tengan Toppa Gurren Lagann called "What Exactly is Human?" except I decided to question the color pink. Now what is pink? Pink to me is a warm vision of love and care... it'll never betray me and it'll always remind me of kind happiness... Since this is a wall dedicated to my boyfriend, I decided to show him my love through the color of pink! I think it's fun to think about colors and think about what they mean to you... so... What exactly is pink to you?!
Time: Two months off and onLayers: 604 shape layers (3408+ shapes... stopped counting) and 47 normal layers
References: 1) Original Scan http://www.animepaper.net/art/98636/tengen-toppa-gurren-lagann-nia-portraits 2) Katana and clock http://gallery.minitokyo.net/view/397264 3) Backdrop Reference http://www.animepaper.net/art/72756/scenery-2
Hardest part: The colors... finding a nice balance of pink without pushing it to the limit and such. Also, the sheep... Had to figure out the ultimate cuteness to stick on his face. OH, AND THE FLOWERS - although this was not hard, it was tedious... and painful and I don't want to vector another flower for at least the next couple centuries
Easiest part: The teddy bear and the creation of the backdrops
Music: : "Libera Me," Love Conservative, Minna no Peace, Sora Iro Days
Inspiration: So basically I had this project planned since around August to do this wall for Matt. We had recently finished watching the entire series of Tengen Toppa and let me tell you, there's something about that series that always lifts your spirit and gets you pumped! I found came across a somewhat decent scan with this really cute picture of Nia!
Read full description at: http://www.animepaper.net/art/111530/what-exactly-is-pink