Kara no Kyoukai wallpaper by Nysha :: January 2009

author's comment
It reminded me of my "Libera Me..." wall, so I figured I could make a red wall in a similar style for kicks. XP
Oh, full view is recommended since the thumbnail looks like crap...
The character is Fujino from the third movie. She has the ability to twist (at least in my fansubbed version - thanks for the info, Deto) anything (usually people's body parts XD) with her mind, and the red and green "ribbons" are visualizations of that power. Her eyes also change when she uses the power. Reference for some of the "ribbons" from this scan: ^0
The wall is a Photoshop vector/tablet painting combo. See process here: Yeah, I know the composition/style/whatever isn't all that original, but it was fun making it, especially with all the colors I used. :) Yay for colors!
Time taken: 3 days Only default brushes used. Tracks listened to - ed theme from first movie - ["Oblivious"]( ) by Kalafina
Grunge textures from princess-of-shadows on deviantart.
Comments/favs welcome. ^_^