Nabari no Ou wallpaper by Asa :: February 2009

author's comment
--------- submission seems like such a novel thing. for those who may recognize this, yes, this is a gallery restoration with a few fixes. back then, i'd intended to get rid of Under The Same Sky. the original idea for that was scenic but then i really wanted to go back to my non-scenic days and ended up chopping away most of Yoite's face. Unraveling turned out to be a happy accident but Under The Same Sky was just too desperate. the long and short of it is that i had several tabs open and was too trigger happy. and so there went the wrong wall. didn't bother restoring it. doing so now just to help Pool Party's publicity a little bit. i don't expect much from this actually, so to whoever looks: thanks~
forgot: scan credit goes to Saa-chan. http://cuppy-cake.net/2008/09/05/nabari-no-ou-artbook-liricamente/ vectored the unraveling Yoite. text galore. textures. voila.