The Rebirth D.Gray-man wallpaper by Asa :: October 2008
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Happy early birthday Tsu! < 3

I vectored allen from this way back when. i knew it'd look best scenic but i was reluctant due to my relative inexperience with that style. but justin got me to give it a go.

then came summer. two months of bits and pieces of work, much frustration (i redrew those two huge arches about seven times, four times in full), brain-wracking, pain... my september was 100% photoshop-FREE. a few days' more work in october and now i'm submitting now.

i have a more acute appreciation for perspective and painting. and drawing from scratch. this scene is mostly original. i did get inspired by this for that row of arches and i took the approximate shape of part of this building.

i've gone through the loving-it phase and the hating-it phase. right now, i think i can be proud of myself for having tried. x__x it was a good learning experience. hopefully, i'll get some good feedback!

also, this fulfills @MyrrhLynn's request in the Moar Plz! Project @ Invalid Litter Department

thank you justin and saku for the advice. :] More at brokenTONE!
edit: o__o *faints* labchoo yinaaaa (>ToT)>
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