The Aftermath D.Gray-man wallpaper by Asa :: January 2008
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i wanted to make a wall for new year's: failed. i wanted to make a wall for my registration anniversary (not that it means anything, because i only became active when i started walling): failed. but at last, something decent to submit.

i tried reviving what little of my creativity that could be saved from the horrible flood of worries. with times like these, procrastination is ever so appealing. and when i procrastinate, it's walling time. so i sifted through my folders and saw this b&w image of kanda (chp 97). i quickly vectored it and extended the sword, his legs, and the rope. (the rope was a pain, but you can barely see it. >__>) i also fleshed out the flat manga look it had with some more shading layers. sorry about the jaggies i couldn't get rid of.

on another must-procrastinate occasion, i just blanked out and started randomly drawing squiggly lines across the canvas. layers later, with a bit of polish on top, there you have it. the dust-ish bits were for fun. and feel free to complain about the text. xD;

thank you my fmn buddies. and i know it's already quite a bit into 2008, but there's no rule saying i can't thank everyone who has supported me over the time that i've been at AP after whatever date. :D
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