I want to live in fire
Touhou wallpaper by Chris Lejman :: August 2012
author's comment
Scan used is here: http://www.animepaper.net/art/213263/touhou
Just to note, even through it's Touhou scan I wasn't making this wall with Touhou in mind, hence many color changes to character appearance (darker skin). Character was made pretty much grayscale, as I like it most, but at same time bg cast some colored highlights, so I think it's interesting experiment if you think about it like that :D
Flames comes mostly from various other scans, and the whole idea was based on this song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VLN8VBFaEO4or to be more specific, on 2 first lines:I want to live in fire with all the tastes I desire
Anyway, I hope you like my take on that scan, enjoy!