da FUNK backToThe PUNK
Ghost in the Shell wallpaper by Chris Lejman :: July 2012

author's comment
So technically there's only text and bg here. Used like 20 different fonts and 4 Daft Punk songs (not easy cause they dont really depend on lyrics often). Took inspiration of many great typography arts I saw on deviantArt, but mostly this one http://kwokidile.deviantart.com/art/My-Personal-Story-Part-I-155995633?q=boost%3Apopular%20in%3Adigitalart%2Ftypography&qo=50
Amazing piece of art, and much better than mine, Parts like hair show quite direct inspiration from this one :)
also here texture I used http://browse.deviantart.com/?order=9&q=grunge+texture&offset=0#/d1skvgp
and here scan http://www.animepaper.net/art/118100/gits-stand-alone-complex-2nd-gig-visual-book
Hope you like it!
Lovely concept :) and of course your smooth execution.<br />
I think you would've had a bit of fun adding some more shiney-glowy effects here and there too. But that's just a thought!Jay
Love the typo being used here, very cool plus a lot of resolution to choose from. brokenTone is really the best. ryugo