Give Into The Night
Kazuaki wallpaper by Chris Lejman :: October 2010
author's comment
I'll copy my Clash description here, even through it was purposely wrote in a funny way and doesn't contain much important info XDD
"By a brief retrospection of events from my youth, memory tells me that there was no wallpaper that formed my walling existence, hovewer I do recall a wallpaper that impressed me when I first crossed the Gates of Animepaper. ‘Twas a highlight at that time, wallpaper by Anolibb called Summermoon. Being a vector wallpaper was enough to make it refreshing, as the distant kingdom of Animepaper still didn’t arrived at vector age at that time. Moreover too, Anolibb’s amazing craftsmanship allowed it to reach level that is remarkable even today. And as if that wasn’t enough, her specialty were vectored flowers, which were prominently featured here as well. After centuries of dwelling inside Animepaper organism I’m yet to see flowers as beautiful as those. For now, I’ve created wallpaper that features a great ammount of detailed flowers too, hoping that perhaps they’ll make this mythical waller to surface yet again."
So short version is that I always liked the way anolibb vectored such detailed flora and so I wanted to try that too. Guess it's obviously a failure comparing to her level, but without comparison, I think they are not so bad ;)
I actually planned to do some small changes, but I was bluntly reminded by PS today that because of all flowers I need 12gb of free space to open psd file @.@ I'm really bad at keeping free hdd space recently so it's beyond me for now ^^; when I'll free some space, I hope to at least provide textless version on brokenTone :3
While we're at it, wallpaper looks fine on my desktop, but I'm aware it's overally darker and won't look good on some monitors. If I'll see that many people want a version adjusted in some way, I may do that too :O
Anyway, I hope you all like it ^_^
oh, and I nearly forgot, the scan!