Miwa Shirow wallpaper by Chris Lejman :: May 2010
author's comment
I've started vectoring scan some time ago but since concept wasn't formed by then, it didn't got finished. Now I felt like combining in in messy compilation of lyrics from various Korn songs and that's how idea of this wall came to be :3
Splatter on bg was made using this http://www.bittbox.com/freebies/free-hi-res-splatter-photoshop-brushes
Objects around character were vectored from photos that came mostly from sxc and google.images.
Here I've made playlist with songs that were used as a base in this wall, although lyrics of many others were used in smaller ammount :3 http://www.youtube.com/user/deto15#grid/user/642C83E72AE4E0F4
Also, here's a gif with progress :3 http://img413.imageshack.us/img413/1714/progress.gif
Hope you all like it, especially Korn fans :D