Aincrad Sword Art Online wallpaper by Chris Lejman :: January 2015
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Happy New Year 2015 to everyone :)

My first wallpaper in 2015 is actually the one I started in November last year. It's fairly simple and I could have probably finish it in few days, but I've been distracted for around a month (fighting ancient Tevinter Magister) so it took a lot longer.

If by any chance you saw some of my recent wallpapers, you might recognize that this is another one made in same style. Here you can see other 2:
Of coarse I'll keep making more complex wallpapers as well, but you may see more of these coming too :) They are fun and fast to do, and I kinda like the idea of "series" of wallpapers, so I hope you like them.

This one was made mostly from screenshots, although I've noticed that when it comes to Aincrad itself, exacly same picture was used during episode as on some promotional materials, just with different cloud setup, so I was switching between the two when I needed to see what's behind the clouds ;)

The alternative version have some colors swapped around so it makes more sense... but I like it less and so it's the alternative.

Art prints and items with the design are available here

Hope you like it :)
Howdy. Simply just planned to ask a quick problem. Now i'm kkbdadceefeeekeaSmithk780
wow so perfect!irek
Amazing! Thx for this wallpaper :)bruno63
Amazing work would love to have more soa or more backgrounds like this oneLuke Sinclair
What an awesome poster ;) But i have a request, ist it possible to provide it in a 2880x1800 resolution? That would be amazing.Narsail
Thank you, fantastic workRCK
Amazing artwork mate... I haven't seen this type of style before. #AmazingGeneric Person
I've been liking this style from you. It's like a new signature. :D Everyone's got their quickie wallpaper styles. Nice to see more works from you!Phoenix
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